Chimney Repair


Monday, October 20, 2008

Where Can I Hang My Holiday Stockings Without A Chimney?

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring. Not even a mouse. The stockings were hung from the chimney with.....wait a minute....chimney?!??! What chimney? "I live in an apartment without a chimney. Where the heck do hang my stockings?"

If I had a nickel for every time that I have heard this question, I'd be loaded. As Apartmentites, many of us do not have chimneys to hang our stockings from with care over the holiday, so I have had to come up with different ideas over the years to substitute.

If you are looking for an alternative place to hang up your stockings, try some of these:

Entertainment Center- Tacking them around your entertainment center is a great idea if you have one. You can then put a continuous looping fireplace DVD on and sit around the "fire" with the stockings hanging. Just be careful not to hang the toes in the way of your view of the television.

A Window or your front Door- Santa always came in through the chimney, right? So with no chimney, how's he going to get in? Obviously...he's going to come in through a door or a window, so try hanging your stockings around your front door (on the inside of course) or your window as your substitute for the chimney. If you are tall, make sure to duck, so you avoid hitting your head on the stocking every time you walk through the door. If you hang it on your window, its a little way of letting everyone know that you are getting into the festive spirit!

Bathroom mirror- This is a little unconventional, but a really cool alternative to the chimney idea. Tack up your stockings around your bathroom mirror. They will be a fun reminder that it's the holiday season every morning when you're getting ready.

Wherever you hang your stockings, make sure that you don't hang them up too high because Santa's little helpers might have trouble reaching them.

If your shopping isn't finished, I'd suggest you getting it done soon. It can be a headache as it gets closer to Christmas!

Happy Holidays!

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Jeff's just a regular guy with a funny goatee that really enjoys people and life. On top of that he is a bit of an expert on apartments, living in them, and getting the most out of the apartment living lifestyle.

As a Managing Partner of Apartment Home Living, Jeff wants to help you find the right apartment by getting to know you. Not only where you want to live & what you want to pay, but what you like. This way, we can help you find an apartment that fits your personality, not just your budget.

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